what we do


what we do.


Oraculi believes within any training or educational activity, formal or informal, participants learn more than just technical content: they learn entire experiences. These experiences are shaped by the environment, the people, the interactions that occur, and the associated emotions. These experiences are what underlie education and influence the development of an individual (or an organization) over time, in ways far more powerful and lasting than the learning of educational content alone. For example, the development of leadership skills, problem solving abilities, and intangible attributes like confidence, initiative, accountability, and empathy, is concurrent with the learning of a specific training or educational content.

Through its activities, Oraculi demonstrates these principles to supported organizations, allowing said organizations to better influence the outcomes of their activities through internal development of their members.

Oraculi believes:

  • The gap between instruction (i.e. training and education) and real-world application of military operations and law enforcement can be viewed in terms of the relationship between a singular focus on tangible, near-term learning objectives and the resulting effect on enabling intangible attributes highly valued by leaders;

  • Everything that occurs in training and education has an impact on this relationship whether one addresses it or not;

  • This impact can be understood and described thus allowing leadership to make informed decisions based on verifiable observations and valid scientific reasoning;

  • An approach can be utilized to inform leaders at all levels on the direction their organization is moving in the development of leadership traits, problem solving skills, and intangible attributes, in addition to the gaining of technical skills;

  • The approach can be verified and validated; and

  • It can influence without necessarily replacing any extant instructional methodology.

Through its activities, Oraculi demonstrates these claims along with supportive evidence to supported organizations, allowing said organizations to take a more proactive approach in the development and preparation of their members for the complexity of real-world application of military operations and law enforcement.